Deeper Learning Pathway: Real-World Learning
Learn with national and state experts about Real World Learning, including practical suggestions and solutions for integrating authentic experiences. Consider innovative ways to bring these types of opportunities to your districts, buildings and classrooms.
At the Elementary Level
Intended Audience: Elementary principals, teacher leaders and central office personnel
At the Middle School Level
Intended Audience: Middle School principals, teacher leaders and central office personnel
At the Secondary Level
Intended Audience: Secondary principals, teacher leaders, central office personnel, career education centers, DESE, higher education, business partners
In Rural Schools
Intended Audience: Rural school principals, teacher leaders, central office personnel, career education centers, DESE, higher education, business partners
Session 1 provided at 2023 Deeper Learning Session
Session 2 provided at 2024 Regional Session
At the District Level
Intended Audience: Principals, teacher leaders, central office personnel, career education centers, DESE, higher education, business partners
Session 1: Building Effective School Partnerships
Session 2: How to Expand Real-World Partnerships in your District
Resources from other Professional Learning Sessions
Check out our Professional Learning web page for free recordings and content from all of the previous learning sessions. These resources are a great place to stay apprised of the work from the System Design Zone Demonstration Project Waiver. Additionally, these learning sessions can be used by district leaders as professional learning opportunities for building capacity within your districts.